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MioTech Joins First-ever Hong Kong Green Week


MioTech was honored to join the first-ever Hong Kong Green Week!

On February 27, our Founder & CEO Jason Tu was invited to the Hong Kong Green FinTech Summit, a flagship event of the 'Green Week'.

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The summit has called on fintech leaders from Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore and the UK to delve into the theme 'AI & Web3: Pioneering a Sustainable Future'.

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In an insightful panel on the future role of Hong Kong in the global green fintech landscape, Jason was joined by Dr. Rocky Tung of Financial Services Development Council, King Leung of Invest Hong Kong, and Helene Li of GoImpact Capital Partners.

'Regulators and market forces have to go together' in facilitating interoperability between different ESG standards and data disclosures, said Jason.

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Our team were also excited to showcase our powerful digital sustainability solutions in a designated exhibition on the first day of Hong Kong Green Week and engage vistors from the industry and policymaking to our booth.