Climate Analysis
Climate risk analytics
Identify and quantify climate risks that investment targets face in various scenarios and time horizons.
Transition Risks
IEA、NGFS、SSP 16 scenarios
Time Range
Evaluation Indicators
Climate Value-at-risk
Financial indicators adjusted by Carbon Cost
Implied Temperature Rise
Physical Risks
Baseline、RCP4.5、RCP 8.5
Time Range
Evaluation Indicators
Single Physical Risk Score
Overall Physical Risk Score
Climate Value-at-risk
Chronic Risk

Water Scarcity

Dry Trend

Precipitation Trend

High-Temperature Trend

Wind Trend

Sea Level Rise
Acute Risk

Flash Drought

Extreme Heat

Extreme Precipitation


River Flooding

Tropical Cyclone

Coastal Flooding

Advantages and values
Full scenarios
16 different climate scenarios (IPCC, NGFS, IEA) to emulate

Ready for Disclosure
Features regulation-aligned indicators on risk exposure and financial impacts.
Climate Disclosure Frameworks


ESG Ratings

Different angles
Analyze by different entities like assets, projects, companies and or defined boundaries.
Alignment with the Paris Agreement
Based on Implied Temperature Rise (ITR) as guided by the Paris Agreement.

Global Coverage
Identify physical risks for operational sites all over the globe.

Intuitive visualizations
Overview climate risks for different operational sites in neat visuals.

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